With our competencies and technologies we are involved in numerous experiments and projects at the Institute for Data Processing and Electronics. A selection is shown below.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory in the Argentinean pampas observes cosmic rays at the highest energies. The complementary detectors register traces of fluorescence in the atmosphere, radio pulse and particle flux on the ground, thus drawing a detailed map of the activity of galactic centres outside the Milky Way.

The Electron Capture 163Holmium experiment ECHo aims to investigate the electron neutrino mass in the sub-eV range by means of the analysis of the calorimetrically measured energy spectrum following the electron capture process of 163Ho. A high precision and high statistics spectrum will be measured by means of low temperature magnetic calorimeter arrays.

The EDELWEISS experiment has tried to detect "dark matter" with a direct measuring method. For this purpose, the international collaboration operated Germanium bolometers in the LSM underground laboratory at Modane, which generate an ionisation and heat signal when a potential dark matter particle is hit on a germanium atomic nucleus.


In the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment, an international group of 200 researchers has joined forces to measure the mass of neutrinos. Neutrinos are the lightest, most common, but also the most puzzling particles in our universe. They are electrically neutral and interact with their environment only through gravity and the so-called weak nuclear force. This makes it difficult to measure their properties and the list of technical challenges to be solved is long.

The PANDA Experiment will be one of the key experiments at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI, Darmstadt. PANDA will use proton–antiproton annihilation to study strong interaction physics including charmonium spectroscopy and exotic states such as charmed hybrids and glueballs.

Owing to its excellent source and spectrometer properties, the KATRIN experiment enables us to not only determine the neutrino mass, but also to search for a new variant of the particle: The right-handed partner of the neutrino, the so-called sterile neutrino. To find this particle, scientists are developing a novel detector called TRISTAN.


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3D USCT_ Hangzhou

3D ultrasound computed tomography (3D USCT) is an innovative technology for medical diagnostics developed at KIT. Together with Chinese industrial partners, further USCT systems are being developed for the Chinese market, which will then be tested in the People's Republic of China in a large multicenter study with more than 1000 patients.

ECHo Chip

The aim of the ECHo experiment is to determine the neutrino mass in the sub-eV range by analysing the calorimetrically measured energy spectrum after the electron capture process of 163Ho. A high-precision and high-statistical spectrum will be measured with the help of high-resolution superconducting sensors. Our contribution to this project is the development and manufacturing of the readout electronics for ECHo-100k.

To support the breast cancer diagnosis, suspicious structures that are only visible in the magnetic resonance tomogram of the breast are transferred to stereotactic X-ray mammograms. This should enable the more cost-effective and more widely available biopsy under X-ray control.

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's are on the rise in the western world. Stem cell therapy can be significantly improved by a reversible local opening of the blood-brain barrier through focused ultrasound.


The goal of the Platform for Low Temperature Qubit Experiments (PtQube project) is to provide an easy to use platform for experiments with superconducting qubits. It includes a low-maintenance cryostat as well as integrated control and readout electronics.

Ultrafast imaging techniques are essential tools for the analysis of dynamical processes like multiple-phase flows. The goal of the project ROOF (Dynamical tracking of structures in multiphase fluids by ultrafast X-ray tomography and image-based scanning) is to develop an ultrafast X-ray tomography setup for image-based tracking of individual particles or bubbles.



Completed projects

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X-ray tomography provides a unique opportunity to visualize internal structures of optically dense materials. But analyzing such 3D volumes is time consuming and technically challenging. The projects ASTOR and NOVA aim to establish efficient tools for data analysis of high-throughput tomography by combing optimized data acquisition and processing, semi-automated data analysis and the creation of an online-portal providing easy access and 3D-visualization.

MedicallmageRegistration Brust717-510-max

Within the HEIKA project, a model-based method for image registration of tomosynthesis and MRI data is being developed. The 3D imaging of the compressed breast in tomosynthesis allows for the first time a three-dimensional evaluation of complex biomechanical image registrations of breast images.

Bild 1 Hochaufgelöste Ultraschall

Sound velocity and attenuation images of the breast imaged with 3D-USCT allow quantitative tissue characterization. In this project a wave-based reconstruction method based on paraxial approximation was developed, which increases the resolution of 3D transmission images by one order of magnitude.


Advanced beam diagnostics detectors and technologies for future accelerators. Special emphasis is put on short-pulse physics and diagnostics. Our research benefits from the close collaboration of KIT accelerator and detector specialists. An example for the strength of this concept is the development of the novel beam diagnostics systems KAPTURE and KALYPSO.

This project involves the development of integrated single-fiber-based ultrasound transducers for 3D ultrasound computed tomography (3D-USCT).

Project UFO

Progress in recent years concerning X-ray optics, detector technology, and the tremendous increase of processing speed of commodity computational architectures gives rise to a paradigm shift in synchrotron X-ray imaging. UFO (Ultra-fast X-ray Imaging of Scientific Processes with On-line Assessment and Data-driven Process Control) aims to enable a new type of smart experiment using the vast computational power of massively parallel computation units: On-line assessment of sample dynamics will enable active image-based control, allow an unprecedented image quality, and will provide insight into so far inaccessible scientific processes.